
19 lutego 2025 12:39

Looking for a gift idea? You will find it on a shooting range!

With minimalism being the newest trend and with people's feeling of being overwhelmed with things, an experience became an extremely popular idea for a present. Instead of another object that will just occupy space at home, we prefer to give to someone an exciting moment that he or she will remember for a long time. A voucher for some interesting activity is also a great idea for a gift for someone who claims that they already have everything and don't really need or don't want any gifts. Because even though we may have enough or even too many things, there is no such thing as too much exciting experience.

One of ideas for this kind of a present could be a voucher for shooting session or a training on a shooting range, for instance in Cracow Shooting Academy. This company offers a wide variety of services connected with sport-shooting activities, such as courses and trainings as well as a possibility of giving a few shots under instructor’s supervision. They run a shooting range in Pasternik near to Cracow, which is where your voucher can be used.

Who could this be for? To take advantage of this opportunity you don’t need any permit, you also don’t really need previous experience with firearms. Against all the stereotypes, it is also not a sport exclusively for men - women are getting more and more interested in shooting and many of them will surely appreciate an original gift like this. It could also be an idea for an unconventional date which will for sure be unforgettable for your significant other.

How much does this cost?
In Cracow Shooting Academy the price depends on the package that you choose. You can either choose one of many offered by the company or ask for a personalized offer, based, for instance, on particular interests of person you want to give the voucher to. What’s important, in Cracow Shooting Academy you can also simply purchase a voucher of a specific value and then the person who will implement it decides how they want to benefit from this amount. It’s a very flexible possibility, which is rarely used in other companies.

Next important question: what are the prices of offered packages?
The simplest one is 120 PLN. This includes 30 shots, ten for each type of gun: Colt, MP5 Submachine and Glock. The most expensive one is 30 PLN and gives you 70 shots with different types of weapon including Kalashnikov or UZI. Every package includes of course instructor’s supervision as well. He will be around the whole time you are on the shooting range. This means that apart from shooting as such we can also count on valuable instructions regarding safety while on shooting range and safe gun handling. The trainer will also teach you how to stand properly while shooting, how to hold the gun and how to aim the target. Each package includes also essential protective equipment - earphones protecting you from noises and a pair of glasses.

How to use the voucher for a shooting range?
After receiving your voucher you first need to make a reservation - it’s important, as it is the only way you can be sure there will be a spot for you and instructor to take care of you. It’s also essential to remember that you can only use your voucher provided you will follow the rules and regulations of the shooting range as well as your trainer's instructions. He is the one deciding when you can load your gun, when you can aim and when you can shoot. Not following those rules or any other of the regulations may result in stopping the shooting and turning you away from the facility without possibility of getting a refund for unused shots. Obviously, following the rules is vital for safety of everyone in the facility, which is why it is so important and so seriously treated.