
19 lutego 2025 12:41

Shooting range- a perfect place for an extraordinary birthday party !

Shooting sports are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Even among Poles, there are more and more people who do this sport on an amateur or professional level. Recreational shooting is an option for everyone, no matter how old or which gender you are.  Moreover, the popularity of shooting significantly increased among youngsters. It can be seen due to the popularity of paramilitary organizations among teenagers. Is shooting a proper entertainment for teenagers? How is it possible that disabled persons can use shooting ranges?

Cracow Shooting Academy invites also young people for their shooting range in Pasternik at the outskirts of Cracow. Youngsters who are under their legal guardian's charge can take part therein recreational shooting. It is a wonderful idea to spend free time with family and friends because it not only exquisitely integrates family but also implements an exciting dose of competition. Who knows, maybe this trip to a shooting range will be the beginning of a great passion for a teenager? Pieces of training bring teenagers dividends because marksmanship teaches concentration, composure and calmness.  What is more, on shooting ranges are well-qualified instructors who ensure security on all the fighting positions.

It is possible to organise a birthday party at the shooting range. The eighteenth birthday on the shooting range is an extraordinary idea which will be printed in every participant’s memory. Certainly, it is more unusual than an ordinary party in the club.

Cracow Shooting Academy on their shooting range organises different types of parties. There is no obstacle to celebrating there the eighteenth birthday.  How this kind of party looks like? First of all, you need to choose the most suitable shooting package for the participants. In offer, there are packages which include from thirty to seventy gunshots with different types of weapons. The range is very wide: it is possible to shoot with a rifle, submachine gun, revolver or historical weapon dating back to World War II. If packages offered by the company is not sufficient, in consultation with organizers of the party you can design your own package.  In that case, it is worth to consult trainers who have experience in making packages base on a number of participants or the shape of the party.

What kind of packages are offered by Cracow Shooting Academy? Basic includes thirty shoots- three types of weapon (Colt 1911, MP5 Submachine and Glock), ten shots each. In the most advanced version, it is possible to try even six types of weapon.

Is the teen party safe at the shooting range? Certainly, this question rankles parents. There is no reason to be afraid. Every arrangement, no matter if it is an event or recreational shooting,  begins with safety instructions. Participants learn that it is prohibited to aim a weapon at other human and how to safely move on the territory of the shooting range. Furthermore, the participants are under well-qualified trainers’ care all the time. An integral part of every shooting packages is goggles and ANS headphones, which are necessary to wear during shooting. Thus participating in a party on the shooting range is completely safe and there is no reason to fear.