
22 stycznia 2025 5:33

Shooting - will it be your new passion?

Shooting was an exclusive sport until not so long ago. Of course we did have some internationally successful sportsmen in this field but it wasn’t very interesting to the public. Also, there were not too many people willing to overcome complicated procedures of getting a licence for having a gun. However, something has changed - Polish people have fallen in love with shooting, with more and more wanting to own a gun and more importantly - they want to learn how to handle it properly.

Which is why coming to a shooting range is becoming a very popular entertainment. You may come here with your family on weekend for some recreational shooting, you may also take part in regular trainings.

In Cracow one of the most popular shooting ranges is the one located in Pasternik, owned by Cracow Shooting Academy. It’s a big and really well equipped facility were everyone can find something for themselves - the beginners and those who already regularly train sport shooting. A few dozens of indoor firing lanes with distance of 25 and 50 meters give a lot of possibilities. For those more advanced there is also a firing lane of 100 meters.

How to begin your adventure with shooting?
Cracow Shooting Academy is a perfect spot if you want to find out whether shooting is for you. For starters the best idea is to get a sport shooting package and come to the shooting range to learn about the basics and give it a first try against a target - everything under professional trainer supervision, of course. To take part in such training no authorisation or skills are required. There is a variety of training packages available. They differ in terms of amount of shots that can be given, as well as types of firearm which we will have an opportunity to use.

In Cracow Shooting Academy the choice of weapon is quite impressive. Starting with classic pistols and revolvers, the famous AK-47, and even a sniper rifle. Among all the proposals you will find also historical guns from World War II. Before you decide on training package it is recommended to ask which one will be the best for a beginner.

What next?
If several visits on a shooting range proved to you that this sport is a really interesting idea for spending your free time, you can take the next step. Signing for beginners training will help you put gained knowledge in order and polish your skills of working with scopes and triggers as well as taking the right shooting position and handling the gun.

This will help you feel more confident on the shooting range. Nevertheless you will still need instructor’s supervision. If you dream about shooting on your own and you feel like trainings are getting addictive, you may start thinking about getting a firearm license. Why is it worth it? It’s the first step if you’d like to get a firearms permit for sport-shooting purpose. Firearm license confirms that you are able to use a gun for sport-shooting purposes. It does not mean you would have to participate in competitions or start doing it professionally - a lot of amateurs limit themselves to trainings just for their own funy, without getting ambitious about winning trophies. Having a firearm license also means you can rent a space on the shooting range and use it without instructor’s supervision - of course as long as you follow the regulations and safety standards.

Why is shooting such an interesting passion?
Shooting sports are like fire and ice - they give you loads of adrenaline but at the same time they calm you down, due to the fact that they require perfect concentration. They help you relax, teach you to be focused but also raise your coordination and keep you fit. It’s also a great way to meet a lot of new, fascinating people.